TechLine Mfg. Products Help Improve Safety on Jobsites
As a manufacturer of products that are utilized in industrial construction, TechLine Mfg. understands the importance of having a safe workplace. We know our customers consider safety to be Job Number 1, and so do we. Ultimately, having a safe work environment is about sending people home safely to their families each day after the job is done. Safety is a culture that all of us as employers want to enable.
That is why we are very proud that so many of our customers have pointed out to us that our products help improve safety on their jobsites. Some of this has come as a surprise even to us! Let us tell you how…
Our customers tell us that anytime you reduce field labor hours, you reduce chances of accidents. Many of TechLine Mfg.’s product reduce field labor. Other products reduce the time spent overhead, another area that provides opportunity for accidents.
Here are just a few of the ways our products help improve safety on a jobsite:
Prefabbed products - When we fabricate products in our shop, that means our customers don’t have to fabricate the product at the job site, reducing hours of labor and use of tools. TechLine Mfg. supplies prefabbed instrument stands, beam mount brackets, various cantilever brackets and many custom products, including stop button stands, and many types of brackets and racks.
Kitting/Bag & Tag– Some of our customers like receiving our products in “kits.” We can provide the product, such as instrument stands, complete with all the hardware needed for installation. When supplied this way, our customers tell us this is a big time savings on a project. A number of our products are available in kit form, and kitting requirements continue to grow as more contractors learn the benefits of receiving products packaged this way.
Snap Track Channel Tray – Snap Track is assembled using patented push pins and does not require tools and traditional hardware for most connections. The push pins fasten the tray together much more quickly than traditional hardware. The safety benefits come into play not only by reducing labor, but especially when the tray is installed overhead. Snap Track goes together with a couple of quick pushes with a thumb, reducing time over head, increasing efficiency, and reducing chances of dropping heavy tools. Furthermore, Snap Track is manufactured using marine grade aluminum, lighter than traditional bolted tray made of steel, which is also a benefit to safety when working overhead.
TechLine Mfg. is proud that our employees see safety as a priority. In addition to finding ways to contribute to our customers’ safety records, we practice what we preach in-house, with over three years in our shop with no lost time accidents.
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